Research Chiropractic Conditions

The US Chiropractic Directory will only post information about chiropractic that has been proven in a published research setting
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Incidental MRI Findings Change Chiropractic Treatment plan, Even With Thorough Medical History and Extensive Examination 720
Conservative management of wrist pain originating from capitate bone fracture 1105
Identification and conservative management of traumatic cervical spine ligament damage AKA Alteration of Motion Segmental Integrity (AOMSI) 1540
CASE STUDY: Diagnosis of a chronic low back pain patient experiencing radiating symptoms in the leg utilizing appropriate examination procedures and radiographs 1486
CASE REPORT: Identification and conservative management of traumatic cervical spine ligament damage AKA Alteration of Motion Segmental Integrity (AOMSI) 1135
CASE REPORT: Conservative management of wrist pain originating from capitate bone fracture 997
CASE STUDY: Safe and Effective Chiropractic Treatment of a Large Intervertebral Disc Extrusion causing Moderate Spinal Canal Stenosis and Displacement of Nerve Roots 1135
Management, treatment, and the utilization of advance imaging in the diagnosis of concurrent Lumbar spine and hip complaints in a 60-year-old female 996
CASE REPORT: Chiropractic management of posterior shoulder capsule tear 1082
CASE REPORT - Long-term chiropractic maintenance patient presents with back pain from metastatic cancer. 1438
Case Report – Utilization of the Transcapular Y-View Radiograph in the Diagnosis of Shoulder Impingement Syndrome 1846
CASE REPORT: Chiropractic Management of Non-Surgical Rotator Cuff Injury 1488
CASE REPORT: Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Stress Injury and Pending Spondylolisthesis in the Young Athlete 2042
Case Report – Importance of Clinical Correlation and the Potential Detrimental Reliance on Radiologist Reporting of MRI Studies in Clinical Chiropractic 1551
CASE REPORT: T2 Hyperintense Extradural Lumbar Mass. Clinical Presentation and Outcome 1389
CASE REPORT: Multiple cervical and lumbar disc herniations and ligamentous injury, post MVA treated successfully with conservative chiropractic treatment 4384
CASE REPORT: Severe Disc Herniation without radicular symptamotology 6546
CASE REPORT: Chiropractic High Velocity-Low Amplitude Adjustments in the Presence of a Herniated Disc without Compromise of the Cauda Equina 5859
CASE REPORT: Re-Integration of Lost Cervical Curve Post-Motor Vehicle Accident 8245
CASE REPORT: Establishing the Efficacy for Trauma Trained Chiropractors as Primary Spine Care Physicians 9341
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