Increased Immunity Linked to Chiropractic Care
| 10255 |
Sleep Disorder Improvements Have Been Linked to Chiropractic Care
| 11360 |
Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments, Changes in Organ Systems & Treatment of Disease THE BRAIN CONNECTION
| 13964 |
Chiropractic vs. Medicine: Who is More Cost Effective & Renders Better Outcomes for Spine?
| 13265 |
Back Pain: Who Should Be Seen First & WHY - Chiropractor vs. Medical Primary Care Doctor
| 12899 |
Chiropractic Can Prevent Absenteeism in the Workplace from Chronic Pain and Potentially Save the United States Economy and Insurers $217,000,000,000 (billion)
| 9093 |
Chiropractic has a Positive Effect on Depression and Anxiety: The Brain Connection
| 9666 |
How Does the Chiropractic Adjustment Work? A Literature Review of Pain Mechanisms and Brain Function Alteration: The Brain Connection
| 15553 |
Chiropractic vs. Oral Steroids vs. Muscle Relaxants: Outcomes for Low Back Pain and Sciatica
| 15307 |
Regaining Arms, Legs, Hands and Feet Function Through Chiropractic Care: The Brain Connection
| 11879 |
Pregnancy, Low Back Pain and Chiropractic
| 9370 |
Pregnancy and Chiropractic: Care and Safety
| 9313 |
Research Proves Chiropractic Adjustments Affect Multiple Areas, Not Just the Area Treated: THE BRAIN CONNECTION
| 11461 |
Research Proves Chiropractic Adjustments Affect Emotions, Learning, Memory, Consciousness, Motivation, Homeostasis, Perception, Motor Control, Self-Awareness, Cognitive Function, Voluntary Movement, Decision Making, Touch and Pain: BRAIN CONNECTION
| 17094 |
Acute and Chronic Herniated Discs Have Significantly Favorable Outcomes With Chiropractic Care
| 11052 |
Neck Pain (Torticollis), Headaches, Dizziness, Radiating Pain, Nausea, depression, Confusion, Ringing in the Ears Show Good Outcomes With Chiropractic Care
| 11847 |
The Journal of the American Medical Association Suggest a Link between Pregnant Woman – Back Pain – Tylenol Use & ADHD: Chiropractic Offers a Solution
| 17982 |
Cervical Disc Herniation with Radiculopathy (Arm Pain): Chiropractic Care vs. Injection Therapy
| 13645 |
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Outcomes Improve with Chiropractic Care
| 9820 |
Patient Outcomes Proves More Effective with Chiropractic Combined with Standard Medical Care Than Standard Medical Care Alone in the Military
| 12104 |