Wednesday, 28 May 2014 12:28

Chiropractic in the News

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Chiropractic: Safer Pregnancy and Birthing

A recent article in the Jamaica Observer in the May 25 issue titled “Safer pregnancy, birthing through chiropractic care,” highlighted a increase in the number of pregnant women who are looking for a safer, more natural and easier birthing process.  The article goes on to describe what happens to the woman’s body structurally and hormonally throughout the pregnancy.

These changes include increases in weight, which shift her center of gravity outward and forward.  When this is added to the laxity of ligaments, due to the release of relaxin and elastin, needed for the birthing process it tends to destabilize posture and realign the carriage of weight and forces throughout the joints of the body.  This can lead to misalignment in the spine and pelvis or subluxations causing low back pain. 

The author goes on to explain how a condition called intrauterine constraint can be effected by spinal and pelvic misalignment.  The mother’s pelvic anatomy and the relationship between its biomechanics and the baby's positioning can be affected adversely.  If the pelvis is supported symmetrically it allows the baby optimal room for movement and the opportunity to develop free of constraint. 

On the other hand if the pelvis is out of alignment it can create an uneven pulling effect on the uterine ligaments limiting the space available for the baby to develop.  This can lead to development problems in the baby's musculoskeletal system.  Fetal positioning is important for delivery without outside intervention.  The optimal positioning is rear-facing, head down.  When the baby presents breech or posterior, it often is the result of an imbalance in the mother's pelvis. 

If the mother's biomechanics are not working properly then obstetric interventions are more likely to be recommended and implemented.  The problem is that each and every intervention has significant side effects for both mother and baby.  Fortunately, today more and more parents are becoming aware of the detrimental effects of these interventions and are choosing safer alternatives including chiropractic to address both the needs of the mother and the newborn.

For more news articles or chiropractic research please click on the research link on the website.

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