Disc Herniations, Bulges, Sciatic Pain and Chiropractic

Disc Herniations, Bulges, Sciatic Pain and Chiropractic

William J. Owens DC, DAAMLP

The authors of a recent study state, “Acute back pain and sciatica are major causes of disability, with impairment of daily living activities” (Santilli, Beghi & Finucci, 2006, ).  Pain that starts in the lower back and shoots down the leg is called sciatica.  This is a very common and painful condition. The most common reason for pain down the leg is a bulge or a herniation of the soft disc between the bones of the spine.  These are called intervertebral discs, sometimes referred to as a “slipped disc.”

This research paper reported on 102 cases of patients and stated, “Patients receiving active manipulations [chiropractic adjustment] enjoyed significantly greater relief of local and radiating [shooting] acute lower back pain, spent fewer days with moderate-to-severe and consumed fewer drugs for the control of pain” (Santilli, Beghi & Finucci, 2006, ). 
If you are suffering from lower back and leg pain, a doctor of chiropractic has the training and experience to determine whether the chiropractic adjustment can help you.  Determining the exact CAUSE of your pain is the first step, treating it is the second.  Chiropractic care has been shown to be effective in helping people with lower back and leg pain. 


1.  Santilli, V., Beghi, E., & Finucci, S. (2006). Chiropractic manipulation in the treatment of acute back pain and sciatica with disc protrusion: A randomized double-blind clinical trial of active and simulated spinal manipulations. The Spine Journal 6(2), 131-137.