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    This page contains only Peer Reviewed, or Evidenced Based research on Conditions that Chiropractors Treat

    The US Chiropractic Directory will only post information about chiropractic that has been proven in a published research setting
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     The US Chiropractic Directory delivers the best-of-the-best in practice consultants nationally.
    We have created the "GAME PLAN" on how to explode your practice.

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  • Consulting
  • Neck, Arms & Hand Problems
  • Low Back Problems
    US Chiropractic Directory Presents:

    Low Back Problems

    Low back problems are one of the most prevalent issues that people worldwide suffer. Low back pain has been called lumbago, sciatica and a host of other names, however to the public, it is literally a "pain in the butt." Chiropractic has been safely and effectively helping patents with pain in the back for over 100 years and The US Chiropractic Directory has create a forum of information involving the entire healthcare and scientific community to bring the public evidenced and researched based answers on how and why chiropractic works to help those with low back pain/problems.
  • Credentialed Chiropractors