Research Chiropractic Conditions

The US Chiropractic Directory will only post information about chiropractic that has been proven in a published research setting
Total Research Hits: 22,995,210

                                                          Since June 2012
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Personal Injury Collections by State: 2011 vs. 2013 vs. 2015 vs. 2017 vs. 2019 Comparison of Collections vs. Cost of Living Analysis 5756
Low-Speed Accidents and Minimal Force Causing Bodily Injury 12395
Low-Speed Damages and Injuries 7421
Low-Speed Crash Does Not Mean LOW ENERGY 8729
Chiropractic Primary Spine Care: A mandatory “future trend” for chiropractic success that has already begun 12469
Ranges of Motion as a Utility for Outcome Assessments: Chiropractic Taking a Lead Role in Rendering Accurate Assessments for Spine 10394
Age Dating C4-C5 Herniated Disc in a Low Speed Crash 10457
Traumatic Ligament Laxity of the Spine and Associated Physical Impairment 16949
Why are Accident Engineering Reports Incomplete And/or Misleading? 8567
Strain/Sprain is One Syndrome, Not Two Separate Pathologies and is Permanent 12441
One of the Most Important Diagnostic Test Results Affecting Case Values in Soft Tissue Injury Cases 12745
Soft Tissue Injuries: What are they and the Long-Term Impact of Bodily Injury 27761
Ligament Failure and Strain-Sprain Reported as Permanent in Whiplash 9610
Ligament Pathology as Sequella to Trauma with Alteration of Motion Segment Integrity (AOMSI) 10587
Age Dating Disc Herniations 14963
Accident Scenes & Police Reports 8295
Low Speed Crashes and Missed Vehicle Damage 9008
Concussion: Diagnosis-Testing-Chiropractic “New testing is available using biomarkers” 16629
Bulging Discs and Trauma: Causality and a Risk Factor 13363
Disc and Ligament Injuries: How Spinal Experts Document Causality 12269
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