
Research (173)

Children categories

Neck Problems

Neck Problems (50)

US Chiropractic Directory Presents:

Neck Problems

Neck problems are one of the most prevalent issues that people worldwide suffer. Neck pain has been called torticollis, stiff neck and a host of other names, however to the public, it is literally a "pain in the neck." Chiropractic has been safely and effectively helping patents with pain in the neck for over 100 years and The US Chiropractic Directory has create a forum of information combining the entire healthcare and scientific community to bring the public evidenced and researched based answers on how and why chiropractic works to help those with neck pain/problems.

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Shoulder-Arm-Hand Problems

Shoulder-Arm-Hand Problems (8)

US Chiropractic Directory Presents:

Shoulder-Arms-Hand Problems

Shoulder, arm and hand problems aresignificant issues that effect people worldwide. Chiropractic has been safely and effectively helping patents with pain in the neck for over 100 years and The US Chiropractic Directory has create a forum of information involving the entire healthcare and scientific community to bring the public evidenced and researched based answers on how and why chiropractic works to help those with shoulder, arm and hand pain/problems.

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Mid Back-Chest Problems

Mid Back-Chest Problems (5)

US Chiropractic Directory Presents:

Mid Back-Chest Problems

Mid back and chest problems are a significant issues that people worldwide suffer from. Chiropractic has been safely and effectively helping patents with pain in the neck for over 100 years and The US Chiropractic Directory has create a forum of information involving the entire healthcare and scientific community to bring the public evidenced and researched based answers on how and why chiropractic works to help those with mid back and chest pain/problems.

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Low Back Problems

Low Back Problems (30)

US Chiropractic Directory Presents:

Low Back Problems

Low back problems are one of the most prevalent issues that people worldwide suffer. Low back pain has been called lumbago, sciatica and a host of other names, however to the public, it is literally a "pain in the butt." Chiropractic has been safely and effectively helping patents with pain in the back for over 100 years and The US Chiropractic Directory has create a forum of information involving the entire healthcare and scientific community to bring the public evidenced and researched based answers on how and why chiropractic works to help those with low back pain/problems.

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Sciatic Problem

Sciatic Problem (1)

US Chiropractic Directory Presents:

Sciatic- Low Back Problems

Sciatic, low back problems are one of the most prevalent issues that people worldwide suffer. Low back pain has been called lumbago, sciatica and a host of other names, however to the public, it is literally a "pain in the butt and legs." Chiropractic has been safely and effectively helping patents with pain in the back for over 100 years and The US Chiropractic Directory has create a forum of information involving the entire healthcare and scientific community to bring the public evidenced and researched based answers on how and why chiropractic works to help those with sciatic low back pain/problems.

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Leg-Feet Problems

Leg-Feet Problems (3)

US Chiropractic Directory Presents:

Leg-Feet Problems

Leg and feet problems are a significant issues that people worldwide suffer from. Chiropractic has been safely and effectively helping patents with pain in the legs and feet for over 100 years and The US Chiropractic Directory has create a forum of information involving the entire healthcare and scientific community to bring the public evidenced and researched based answers on how and why chiropractic works to help those with leg and feet pain/problems.

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Scoliosis-Curvatures (1)

US Chiropractic Directory Presents:

Scoliosis - Spinal Curvatures

Scolisosis and spinal curvatures are significant issues that people worldwide suffer from. Chiropractic has been safely and effectively helping patents with scoliosis and spinal curvatures for over 100 years and The US Chiropractic Directory has create a forum of information involving the entire healthcare and scientific community to bring the public evidenced and researched based answers on how and why chiropractic works to help those with scoliosis and spinal curvatures.

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Headaches-Migraines (4)

US Chiropractic Directory Presents:

Headaches and Migraines

Headaches and migraines are significant issues that people worldwide suffer from. Chiropractic has been safely and effectively helping patents with headaches and migraines for over 100 years and The US Chiropractic Directory has create a forum of information involving the entire healthcare and scientific community to bring the public evidenced and researched based answers on how and why chiropractic works to help those with headcahes and migraines.

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Various Chiropractic Conditions

Various Chiropractic Conditions (10)


This page contains only Peer Reviewed, or Evidenced Based research on Conditions that Chiropractors Treat

The US Chiropractic Directory will only post information about chiropractic that has been proven in a published research setting

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Latest (26)

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Research Chiropractic Conditions

The US Chiropractic Directory will only post information about chiropractic that has been proven in a published research setting
Total Research Hits: 23,385,860

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Medical and Physical Therapy Management of Chronic Low Back Pain Continues to Fail and Bypass Chiropractic Despite Significant Positive Outcomes 30819
Intra and Inter-Rater Reliability in Diagnosing Lumbar Post-Traumatic Ligament Injury - Using Symverta Technology 611
Chiropractic Research is Being Published Regularly in the NIH 918
Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments Increase Muscle Function in Chronic Stroke Patients by 64% 3844
Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments Increases Facet Gapping and Functional Outcomes 1314
The Outcome Assessment of Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments on Low Back Pain, Opioid Use, and Health Care Utilization - Lowering Opioids by 55% vs. Raising Opioids by 90% 29297
Biomechanical Pathology is Vertebral Subluxation & Offers a Direct Solution to Increase Utilization - Chiropractic Exaplanation - Part 1 2768
The Neurophysiology of Spinal Manipulation vs. Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments - Chiropractic Exaplanation - Part 2 3053
Diagnosing Where to Adjust: The Pathway to Central Motor Control and Outcomes Lowering Opiates Use by 55% & 313% Better Results than PTs - Chiropractic Exaplanation - Part 3 3041
Necessary Use of Initial X-Rays in Chiropractic: FACT SHEET 4850
The Underutilization of MRI in Chiropractic 1935
Frequency Protocols with Initial Chiropractic Care 3596
Addictionology, Back Pain and Chiropractic 29360
The Legal and Appropriate Use of X-Ray in Chiropractic: To Consider the American Chiropractic Association's X-Ray Recommendations is a Potential Public Risk 10787
Increased Chiropractic Visit Frequency Renders Better Outcomes 3857
Vertebral Subluxation Complex vs. Patho-Neuro-Biomechanical Lesion 3282
Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment Mechanism Explained 3072
Chiropractic Outcomes vs PT and Drug use 6936
Chiropractic Practice During the COVID-19 Pandemic 5693
Chiropractic Co-Management of Pre & Post-Spine Surgical Cases 16882
Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment / Manipulation: Manipulation vs. Mobilization Part 1 of 2 8706
No Evidence Exists Between Chiropractic Care and Cervical Artery Dissection 8866
Chiropractors Reduce Costs by 40% if the 1st Option for Spine: DC’s Would Save the Healthcare System 1.86 Trillion Dollars Over 10 Years 11227
The Chiropractic Adjustment Changes Brain Function The Evidence of Increased Muscle Strength is Added to Pain Sensitivity and Autonomic Changes 12778
Traumatic Myelomalacia Diagnosis & Collaborative Management Between the Chiropractor as the Primary Spine Care Provider and the Neurosurgeon 14850
Preventing Spinal Degeneration Through Chiropractic Care: Subluxation Degeneration/Spondylosis Explained via Wolff’s Law 10070
Chiropractic Adjustments Increases Maximal Bite Forces Through Effecting Cortical Changes 5239
Deceptive Dogmatic Reporting Despite Successful Chiropractic Outcomes 6686
Efficacy of Chiropractic Treatment for for Post-Surgical Continued Low Back and Radicular Pain 7647
Vertebral Subluxation Complex - The Research 11539
Efficacy and Adverse Effects of Chiropractic Treatment for Migraines 18903
Chiropractic Improves Neck Pain in a Military Veteran Population & Lowers the Need for Opioids 14222
Chiropractic Reduces Opioid Use by 55% in Low Back Pain 47761
Chiropractic and Prescriptive Rights: Should Chiropractors Be Allowed to Prescribe Drugs? 13980
Should Chiropractic Follow the American Chiropractic Association / American Board of Internal Medicine’s Recommendations on X-Ray? 27892
The Mechanism of the Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment/Manipulation: Osseous Mechanisms Part 1 of a 5 Part Series 15522
The Mechanism of the Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment/Manipulation: Ligaments and the Bio-Neuro-Mechanical Component Part 2 of a 5 Part Series 14223
The Mechanism of the Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment/Manipulation: The Neurological Effect Part 3 of a 5 Part Series 11393
The Mechanism of the Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment/Manipulation: Subluxation Degeneration - Part 4 of a 5-Part Series 8890
The Mechanism of the Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment/Manipulation: Chiropractic vs. Physical Therapy for Spine Part 5 of a 5 Part Series 22687
Chiropractic Verified as Primary Spine Care Providers 13265
Chiropractic & Central Afferent Inhibition: A Chiropractic Care Path & Mechanism for Chronic Pain, Tremors, Spatial and Inhibitory Distortion 12452
Chronic Pain and Chiropractic: A 12-Week Solution & Necessity for Care 9733
Chiropractic and Cervical Arterial Dissection: Causal Relationship or Medical Dogma? 9459
Chiropractic and Successful Outcomes with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 8044
A Chiropractic Adjustment Has a Direct Effect of the Pre-Frontal Cortex of the Brain: Verifying a positive effect of the chiropractic spinal adjustment on reflexes, memory, coordination and decision making 19088
Chiropractic Care is More Effective in Lowering Disability than Medical Care for Acute and Sub-Acute Low Back Pain 15001
Efficacy of Chiropractic Care on Cervical Herniated Discs with Degenerative Changes in the Spine 10455
Chiropractic’s Role in Decreasing Premature Death with Associated Back Pain 16008
Stroke Risks While Under Chiropractic Care 75966
Chiropractic, Chronic Back Pain and Brain Shrinkage: A better understanding of Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Schizophrenia, Depression and Cognitive Disorders and Chiropractic’s Role A Literature Review of the Mechanisms: THE BRAIN CONNECTION 14082
Chiropractic as the Solution for Mechanical Spine Failure and Failed Back Surgery. 10404
Chiropractic vs. Physical Therapy in Treating Low Back Pain with Spinal Adjustments vs. Exercise Rehabilitation 12184
Chiropractic Outcome Studies on Treatment of Fragmented/Sequestered and Extruded Herniated Discs and Radicular Pain 15053
Chiropractic vs. Medical Advice, Bed Rest, Natural History/Resolution and Over-the-Counter Drugs for Low Back Pain 10516
Spinal Fusion vs. Chiropractic for Mechanical Spine Pain 10533
Chiropractic Care Improves Senses and Reduces Risks of Falling in the Elderly Population 8466
Chiropractic Care for Neck and Low Back Pain: Evidenced Based Outcomes 8851
Fibromyalgia Improvement has been Linked to Chiropractic Care 11636
Chiropractic’s Mechanism in Pain Modulation and the Connection to Systemic Diseases 15773
Increased Immunity Linked to Chiropractic Care 10471
Sleep Disorder Improvements Have Been Linked to Chiropractic Care 11565
Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments, Changes in Organ Systems & Treatment of Disease THE BRAIN CONNECTION 14205
Chiropractic vs. Medicine: Who is More Cost Effective & Renders Better Outcomes for Spine? 13928
Back Pain: Who Should Be Seen First & WHY - Chiropractor vs. Medical Primary Care Doctor 13241
Chiropractic Can Prevent Absenteeism in the Workplace from Chronic Pain and Potentially Save the United States Economy and Insurers $217,000,000,000 (billion) 9278
Chiropractic has a Positive Effect on Depression and Anxiety: The Brain Connection 9841
How Does the Chiropractic Adjustment Work? A Literature Review of Pain Mechanisms and Brain Function Alteration: The Brain Connection 15804
Chiropractic vs. Oral Steroids vs. Muscle Relaxants: Outcomes for Low Back Pain and Sciatica 15645
Regaining Arms, Legs, Hands and Feet Function Through Chiropractic Care: The Brain Connection 12112
Pregnancy, Low Back Pain and Chiropractic 9548
Pregnancy and Chiropractic: Care and Safety 9491
Research Proves Chiropractic Adjustments Affect Multiple Areas, Not Just the Area Treated: THE BRAIN CONNECTION 11628
Research Proves Chiropractic Adjustments Affect Emotions, Learning, Memory, Consciousness, Motivation, Homeostasis, Perception, Motor Control, Self-Awareness, Cognitive Function, Voluntary Movement, Decision Making, Touch and Pain: BRAIN CONNECTION 17364
Acute and Chronic Herniated Discs Have Significantly Favorable Outcomes With Chiropractic Care 11316
Neck Pain (Torticollis), Headaches, Dizziness, Radiating Pain, Nausea, depression, Confusion, Ringing in the Ears Show Good Outcomes With Chiropractic Care 12052
The Journal of the American Medical Association Suggest a Link between Pregnant Woman – Back Pain – Tylenol Use & ADHD: Chiropractic Offers a Solution 18405
Cervical Disc Herniation with Radiculopathy (Arm Pain): Chiropractic Care vs. Injection Therapy 13810
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Outcomes Improve with Chiropractic Care 9966
Patient Outcomes Proves More Effective with Chiropractic Combined with Standard Medical Care Than Standard Medical Care Alone in the Military 12285
Back Pain: Chiropractic vs. Medical Doctors Who Get Better Results and Who is More Cost Effective? 13922
Chiropractic Protects and Aging Population From Loss of Function 10883
Disc Herniations and Low Back Pain Post Chiropractic Care 14017
Frozen Shoulder's Improve With Chiropractic Care 9114
Chiropractic Care Reduce the Odds of Low Back Surgery 9213
Chiropractic Scores Highest Among Professional Students in Understanding Musculoskeletal Conditions 131849
Urinary Incontinence Improves with Chiropractic Care: A 6 Year Study 121198
Children with Tremors and Conversion Disorder: A Chiropractic Solution 158033
Chiropractic and Children: From Birth to 18 Years Old -Conditions Cared for and Side Effects 97680
Scoliosis and Chiropractic 91037
Headaches and Migraines: Chiropractic Saves Federal and Private Insurers $13,680,000,000 and Resolves Many Issues Facing Emergency Rooms Today 109153
Chiropractic - Ear Infections - Pneumonia - Bronchial Asthma - Bronchitis - Colic 741436
Low Back Pain: Chiropractic vs. Muscle Relaxants 515460
Work Related Injuries, Recurring Low Back Pain, Chronic Care and Chiropractic Treatment: A Proven Solution to Save Federal, State and Private Insurers $2,871,485,223 85975
Chiropractic Saves Federal and Private Insurers $15,897,840,000 and Adds $692,160,000 in Wages to Americans 171869
Stroke Rehabilitation and The Positive Effects of Chiropractic on the Response to the Central Nervous System and Motor Training Tasks 111614
Arthritis Prevention and Chiropractic, Chiropractic prevents arthritis in accident victims, the elderly 160855
Brain Function (Sensorimotor Cortex) Increased with Chiropractic Care 325624
Sciatica (Leg Pain) & Lumbar Disc Herniation; Surgery vs. Chiropractic Care 32901
Older American Utilization of Chiropractic Care *Persons 65 Years and Older 342231
Children-Pediatric Utilization of Chiropractic Care 128060
Dizziness in Older Adults and Chiropractic Care 201222
Tennis (Golf) Elbow and Chiropractic Care 21616
Back and Leg Pain (Lumbar Radiculopathy) as a Result of Disc Herniation and the Long Term Effect of Chiropractic Care 151884
Headaches & Migraine: Chiropractic vs. Medication, Effectiveness & Safety 32474
Chronic Low Back Pain: Chiropractic vs. Medicine 49915
Headaches and Chiropractic 52590
Effectiveness of Chiropractic Care: Low Back Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Migraines, Dizziness & Hip Pain 17816
Acute (Severe) Low Back Pain, Early Intervention and Chiropractic 146314
Children and Chiropractic: A Study in Adverse Effects 176740
Low Back Pain, Arthritis and Chiropractic, A Clinical Correlation 90001
Decreased Muscle Spasms and Chiropractic Care 202635
Work Injuries, Workers Compensation and Chiropractic: A solution to the spiraling healthcare costs in America 95261
Prediction of Outcomes with Chiropractic Care and Cervical Pain 31538
Balance and Movement and The Effect of Chiropractic Care, Utilization with the Elderly, Cerebral Palsy, the Athlete and the General Population 159994
The Effects of Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments on Heart Rates 253910
Low Back Pain, Reduced Disability and Chiropractic: A Study in Proper Diagnosis 88130
Acute Neck Pain (Torticollis), Disability and Chiropractic: Patient Satisfaction Results 331343
Increased Balance, Movement & Kinematics as a Result of Chiropractic Care, A research conclusion that affects rehabilitation patients, athletes, balance disorders and increased production in the workplace 30884
Cervical and Lumbar Disc Herniations and Chiropractic Care 44520
Work Injuries, Full Recovery and Chiropractic Care, Resolving the myth that doing nothing is better 24093
Chronic Neck Pain and Chiropractic: A Comparative Study with Massage Therapy 166792
Increased Sports Performance and Chiropractic 37727
Arthritis and Low Back Pain: Chiropractic Care vs. Heat Treatment 44473
Disc Arthroplasty (Disc Replacement Surgery), Low Back Pain and the Efficacy of Post-Surgical Chiropractic Care 119128
Herniated Discs, Radiating Pain and Chiropractic 206693
Balance, Chronic Pain and Chiropractic 85135
Muscle Pain, Trigger Points and Chiropractic 65645
Comparing the Satisfaction of Low Back Pain Patients Receiving Medical vs. Chiropractic Care 19805
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Chiropractic 32067
Whiplash Disorders and Neck Pain 22983
Pregnancy, Back Pain and Chiropractic 17822
Chronic or Acute (Non-Cardiac) Chest Pain and Chiropractic 187214
Recurrent Low Back Pain and Chiropractic 28668
Elbow Pain and Chiropractic 32470
Chronic Back Pain, Prevention and Chiropractic 69887
Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain and Chiropractic 32451
Neck Pain and Chiropractic 94073
Disc Herniations, Bulges, Sciatic Pain and Chiropractic 20466
Sciatica, Low Back Pain and Chiropractic 34188
Low Back Injuries and Chiropractic 18459
Migraine Headaches and Chiropractic 19561
Chest Pain, Mid Back Pain and Chiropractic 325263
Hip, Knee, Ankle and Foot Problems 23776
Neck Pain and Headaches 57313
Shoulder, Arm, Elbow, Wrist, Hand and Chiropractic 121604
Chiropractic - Chronic Rashes and Dermatitis: Patient Account 141824
Neck & Head Burning Pain Relieved by Chiropractic - Patient Account 290408
Chiropractic - Shoulder Bursitis - Persistent Lower Back Pain: Patient Account 113733
Chiropractic - Stroke - Paralysis : Patient Account 199230
Chiropractic & Rage Issues: Patient Account 22451
Chiropractic Headaches - High Blood Pressure: Patient Account 138667
Chiropractic & Back Pain with Staying Well: Patient Account 14925
Chiropractic & Hand tremors, Sinus Problems, Headaches & Neck Stiffness: Patient Account 23509
Chiropractic & Ringing In the Ears, with Stooped Posture & Numbness: Patient Account 57073
Chiropractic - Leg - Arm - Shoulder - Neck Pain: Patient Account 121088
Chiropractic & Dog's Scoliosis: Patient Account 17161
Chiropractic & Hip Pain & Headaches: Patient Account 19312
Chiropractic & Spastic Colon, Migraine Headaches & Back Pain: Patient Account 28939
Chiropractic & Migraine Headaches: Patient Account 14959
Chiropractic & Rheumatoid Arthritis: Patient Account 99891
chiropractic and Skin Rashes - An 11 Month Old: Patient Account 113806
Chiropractic & Regaining Use of Hand: Patient Acount 18022
Chiropractic & Scoliosis, Colds & Pigeon Toed: Patient Account 16563
Chiropractic & Asthma:Patient Account 12857
Chiropractic & Hay Fever, Blood Pressure & Back Pain: Patient Account 13795
Chiropractic & Colitis, Allergies & Headaches: Patient Account 29743
#1 Chiropractic Letters 35346
Privacy Policy 114871
Harvard Report Points to Chiropractic Care for Pain Relief & The Safety of the Chiropractic Adjustment 11309
Chiropractic and Asthma (2): Patients Account 15173
Chiro-Skin Rashes-Asthma-Ear Infections-ADHD 17625
Chiropractic - Dizziness - Headaches - Backaches 19238

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