Medical and Physical Therapy Management of Chronic Low Back Pain Continues to Fail and Bypass Chiropractic Despite Significant Positive Outcomes
| 30819 |
Intra and Inter-Rater Reliability in Diagnosing Lumbar Post-Traumatic Ligament Injury - Using Symverta Technology
| 611 |
Chiropractic Research is Being Published Regularly in the NIH
| 918 |
Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments Increase Muscle Function in Chronic Stroke Patients by 64%
| 3844 |
Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments Increases Facet Gapping and Functional Outcomes
| 1314 |
The Outcome Assessment of Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments on Low Back Pain, Opioid Use, and Health Care Utilization - Lowering Opioids by 55% vs. Raising Opioids by 90%
| 29297 |
Biomechanical Pathology is Vertebral Subluxation & Offers a Direct Solution to Increase Utilization - Chiropractic Exaplanation - Part 1
| 2768 |
The Neurophysiology of Spinal Manipulation vs. Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments - Chiropractic Exaplanation - Part 2
| 3053 |
Diagnosing Where to Adjust: The Pathway to Central Motor Control and Outcomes Lowering Opiates Use by 55% & 313% Better Results than PTs - Chiropractic Exaplanation - Part 3
| 3041 |
Necessary Use of Initial X-Rays in Chiropractic: FACT SHEET
| 4850 |
The Underutilization of MRI in Chiropractic
| 1935 |
Frequency Protocols with Initial Chiropractic Care
| 3596 |
Addictionology, Back Pain and Chiropractic
| 29360 |
The Legal and Appropriate Use of X-Ray in Chiropractic: To Consider the American Chiropractic Association's X-Ray Recommendations is a Potential Public Risk
| 10787 |
Increased Chiropractic Visit Frequency Renders Better Outcomes
| 3857 |
Vertebral Subluxation Complex vs. Patho-Neuro-Biomechanical Lesion
| 3282 |
Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment Mechanism Explained
| 3072 |
Chiropractic Outcomes vs PT and Drug use
| 6936 |
Chiropractic Practice During the COVID-19 Pandemic
| 5693 |
Chiropractic Co-Management of Pre & Post-Spine Surgical Cases
| 16882 |
Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment / Manipulation: Manipulation vs. Mobilization Part 1 of 2
| 8706 |
No Evidence Exists Between Chiropractic Care and Cervical Artery Dissection
| 8866 |
Chiropractors Reduce Costs by 40% if the 1st Option for Spine: DC’s Would Save the Healthcare System 1.86 Trillion Dollars Over 10 Years
| 11227 |
The Chiropractic Adjustment Changes Brain Function The Evidence of Increased Muscle Strength is Added to Pain Sensitivity and Autonomic Changes
| 12778 |
Traumatic Myelomalacia Diagnosis & Collaborative Management Between the Chiropractor as the Primary Spine Care Provider and the Neurosurgeon
| 14850 |
Preventing Spinal Degeneration Through Chiropractic Care: Subluxation Degeneration/Spondylosis Explained via Wolff’s Law
| 10070 |
Chiropractic Adjustments Increases Maximal Bite Forces Through Effecting Cortical Changes
| 5239 |
Deceptive Dogmatic Reporting Despite Successful Chiropractic Outcomes
| 6686 |
Efficacy of Chiropractic Treatment for for Post-Surgical Continued Low Back and Radicular Pain
| 7647 |
Vertebral Subluxation Complex - The Research
| 11539 |
Efficacy and Adverse Effects of Chiropractic Treatment for Migraines
| 18903 |
Chiropractic Improves Neck Pain in a Military Veteran Population & Lowers the Need for Opioids
| 14222 |
Chiropractic Reduces Opioid Use by 55% in Low Back Pain
| 47761 |
Chiropractic and Prescriptive Rights: Should Chiropractors Be Allowed to Prescribe Drugs?
| 13980 |
Should Chiropractic Follow the American Chiropractic Association / American Board of Internal Medicine’s Recommendations on X-Ray?
| 27892 |
The Mechanism of the Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment/Manipulation: Osseous Mechanisms Part 1 of a 5 Part Series
| 15522 |
The Mechanism of the Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment/Manipulation: Ligaments and the Bio-Neuro-Mechanical Component Part 2 of a 5 Part Series
| 14223 |
The Mechanism of the Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment/Manipulation: The Neurological Effect Part 3 of a 5 Part Series
| 11393 |
The Mechanism of the Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment/Manipulation: Subluxation Degeneration - Part 4 of a 5-Part Series
| 8890 |
The Mechanism of the Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment/Manipulation: Chiropractic vs. Physical Therapy for Spine Part 5 of a 5 Part Series
| 22687 |
Chiropractic Verified as Primary Spine Care Providers
| 13265 |
Chiropractic & Central Afferent Inhibition: A Chiropractic Care Path & Mechanism for Chronic Pain, Tremors, Spatial and Inhibitory Distortion
| 12452 |
Chronic Pain and Chiropractic: A 12-Week Solution & Necessity for Care
| 9733 |
Chiropractic and Cervical Arterial Dissection: Causal Relationship or Medical Dogma?
| 9459 |
Chiropractic and Successful Outcomes with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
| 8044 |
A Chiropractic Adjustment Has a Direct Effect of the Pre-Frontal Cortex of the Brain: Verifying a positive effect of the chiropractic spinal adjustment on reflexes, memory, coordination and decision making
| 19088 |
Chiropractic Care is More Effective in Lowering Disability than Medical Care for Acute and Sub-Acute Low Back Pain
| 15001 |
Efficacy of Chiropractic Care on Cervical Herniated Discs with Degenerative Changes in the Spine
| 10455 |
Chiropractic’s Role in Decreasing Premature Death with Associated Back Pain
| 16008 |
Stroke Risks While Under Chiropractic Care
| 75966 |
Chiropractic, Chronic Back Pain and Brain Shrinkage: A better understanding of Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Schizophrenia, Depression and Cognitive Disorders and Chiropractic’s Role A Literature Review of the Mechanisms: THE BRAIN CONNECTION
| 14082 |
Chiropractic as the Solution for Mechanical Spine Failure and Failed Back Surgery.
| 10404 |
Chiropractic vs. Physical Therapy in Treating Low Back Pain with Spinal Adjustments vs. Exercise Rehabilitation
| 12184 |
Chiropractic Outcome Studies on Treatment of Fragmented/Sequestered and Extruded Herniated Discs and Radicular Pain
| 15053 |
Chiropractic vs. Medical Advice, Bed Rest, Natural History/Resolution and Over-the-Counter Drugs for Low Back Pain
| 10516 |
Spinal Fusion vs. Chiropractic for Mechanical Spine Pain
| 10533 |
Chiropractic Care Improves Senses and Reduces Risks of Falling in the Elderly Population
| 8466 |
Chiropractic Care for Neck and Low Back Pain: Evidenced Based Outcomes
| 8851 |
Fibromyalgia Improvement has been Linked to Chiropractic Care
| 11636 |
Chiropractic’s Mechanism in Pain Modulation and the Connection to Systemic Diseases
| 15773 |
Increased Immunity Linked to Chiropractic Care
| 10471 |
Sleep Disorder Improvements Have Been Linked to Chiropractic Care
| 11565 |
Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments, Changes in Organ Systems & Treatment of Disease THE BRAIN CONNECTION
| 14205 |
Chiropractic vs. Medicine: Who is More Cost Effective & Renders Better Outcomes for Spine?
| 13928 |
Back Pain: Who Should Be Seen First & WHY - Chiropractor vs. Medical Primary Care Doctor
| 13241 |
Chiropractic Can Prevent Absenteeism in the Workplace from Chronic Pain and Potentially Save the United States Economy and Insurers $217,000,000,000 (billion)
| 9278 |
Chiropractic has a Positive Effect on Depression and Anxiety: The Brain Connection
| 9841 |
How Does the Chiropractic Adjustment Work? A Literature Review of Pain Mechanisms and Brain Function Alteration: The Brain Connection
| 15804 |
Chiropractic vs. Oral Steroids vs. Muscle Relaxants: Outcomes for Low Back Pain and Sciatica
| 15645 |
Regaining Arms, Legs, Hands and Feet Function Through Chiropractic Care: The Brain Connection
| 12112 |
Pregnancy, Low Back Pain and Chiropractic
| 9548 |
Pregnancy and Chiropractic: Care and Safety
| 9491 |
Research Proves Chiropractic Adjustments Affect Multiple Areas, Not Just the Area Treated: THE BRAIN CONNECTION
| 11628 |
Research Proves Chiropractic Adjustments Affect Emotions, Learning, Memory, Consciousness, Motivation, Homeostasis, Perception, Motor Control, Self-Awareness, Cognitive Function, Voluntary Movement, Decision Making, Touch and Pain: BRAIN CONNECTION
| 17364 |
Acute and Chronic Herniated Discs Have Significantly Favorable Outcomes With Chiropractic Care
| 11316 |
Neck Pain (Torticollis), Headaches, Dizziness, Radiating Pain, Nausea, depression, Confusion, Ringing in the Ears Show Good Outcomes With Chiropractic Care
| 12052 |
The Journal of the American Medical Association Suggest a Link between Pregnant Woman – Back Pain – Tylenol Use & ADHD: Chiropractic Offers a Solution
| 18405 |
Cervical Disc Herniation with Radiculopathy (Arm Pain): Chiropractic Care vs. Injection Therapy
| 13810 |
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Outcomes Improve with Chiropractic Care
| 9966 |
Patient Outcomes Proves More Effective with Chiropractic Combined with Standard Medical Care Than Standard Medical Care Alone in the Military
| 12285 |
Back Pain: Chiropractic vs. Medical Doctors Who Get Better Results and Who is More Cost Effective?
| 13922 |
Chiropractic Protects and Aging Population From Loss of Function
| 10883 |
Disc Herniations and Low Back Pain Post Chiropractic Care
| 14017 |
Frozen Shoulder's Improve With Chiropractic Care
| 9114 |
Chiropractic Care Reduce the Odds of Low Back Surgery
| 9213 |
Chiropractic Scores Highest Among Professional Students in Understanding Musculoskeletal Conditions
| 131849 |
Urinary Incontinence Improves with Chiropractic Care: A 6 Year Study
| 121198 |
Children with Tremors and Conversion Disorder: A Chiropractic Solution
| 158033 |
Chiropractic and Children: From Birth to 18 Years Old -Conditions Cared for and Side Effects
| 97680 |
Scoliosis and Chiropractic
| 91037 |
Headaches and Migraines: Chiropractic Saves Federal and Private Insurers $13,680,000,000 and Resolves Many Issues Facing Emergency Rooms Today
| 109153 |
Chiropractic - Ear Infections - Pneumonia - Bronchial Asthma - Bronchitis - Colic
| 741436 |
Low Back Pain: Chiropractic vs. Muscle Relaxants
| 515460 |
Work Related Injuries, Recurring Low Back Pain, Chronic Care and Chiropractic Treatment: A Proven Solution to Save Federal, State and Private Insurers $2,871,485,223
| 85975 |
Chiropractic Saves Federal and Private Insurers $15,897,840,000 and Adds $692,160,000 in Wages to Americans
| 171869 |
Stroke Rehabilitation and The Positive Effects of Chiropractic on the Response to the Central Nervous System and Motor Training Tasks
| 111614 |
Arthritis Prevention and Chiropractic, Chiropractic prevents arthritis in accident victims, the elderly
| 160855 |
Brain Function (Sensorimotor Cortex) Increased with Chiropractic Care
| 325624 |
Sciatica (Leg Pain) & Lumbar Disc Herniation; Surgery vs. Chiropractic Care
| 32901 |
Older American Utilization of Chiropractic Care *Persons 65 Years and Older
| 342231 |
Children-Pediatric Utilization of Chiropractic Care
| 128060 |
Dizziness in Older Adults and Chiropractic Care
| 201222 |
Tennis (Golf) Elbow and Chiropractic Care
| 21616 |
Back and Leg Pain (Lumbar Radiculopathy) as a Result of Disc Herniation and the Long Term Effect of Chiropractic Care
| 151884 |
Headaches & Migraine: Chiropractic vs. Medication, Effectiveness & Safety
| 32474 |
Chronic Low Back Pain: Chiropractic vs. Medicine
| 49915 |
Headaches and Chiropractic
| 52590 |
Effectiveness of Chiropractic Care: Low Back Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Migraines, Dizziness & Hip Pain
| 17816 |
Acute (Severe) Low Back Pain, Early Intervention and Chiropractic
| 146314 |
Children and Chiropractic: A Study in Adverse Effects
| 176740 |
Low Back Pain, Arthritis and Chiropractic, A Clinical Correlation
| 90001 |
Decreased Muscle Spasms and Chiropractic Care
| 202635 |
Work Injuries, Workers Compensation and Chiropractic: A solution to the spiraling healthcare costs in America
| 95261 |
Prediction of Outcomes with Chiropractic Care and Cervical Pain
| 31538 |
Balance and Movement and The Effect of Chiropractic Care, Utilization with the Elderly, Cerebral Palsy, the Athlete and the General Population
| 159994 |
The Effects of Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments on Heart Rates
| 253910 |
Low Back Pain, Reduced Disability and Chiropractic: A Study in Proper Diagnosis
| 88130 |
Acute Neck Pain (Torticollis), Disability and Chiropractic: Patient Satisfaction Results
| 331343 |
Increased Balance, Movement & Kinematics as a Result of Chiropractic Care, A research conclusion that affects rehabilitation patients, athletes, balance disorders and increased production in the workplace
| 30884 |
Cervical and Lumbar Disc Herniations and Chiropractic Care
| 44520 |
Work Injuries, Full Recovery and Chiropractic Care, Resolving the myth that doing nothing is better
| 24093 |
Chronic Neck Pain and Chiropractic: A Comparative Study with Massage Therapy
| 166792 |
Increased Sports Performance and Chiropractic
| 37727 |
Arthritis and Low Back Pain: Chiropractic Care vs. Heat Treatment
| 44473 |
Disc Arthroplasty (Disc Replacement Surgery), Low Back Pain and the Efficacy of Post-Surgical Chiropractic Care
| 119128 |
Herniated Discs, Radiating Pain and Chiropractic
| 206693 |
Balance, Chronic Pain and Chiropractic
| 85135 |
Muscle Pain, Trigger Points and Chiropractic
| 65645 |
Comparing the Satisfaction of Low Back Pain Patients Receiving Medical vs. Chiropractic Care
| 19805 |
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Chiropractic
| 32067 |
Whiplash Disorders and Neck Pain
| 22983 |
Pregnancy, Back Pain and Chiropractic
| 17822 |
Chronic or Acute (Non-Cardiac) Chest Pain and Chiropractic
| 187214 |
Recurrent Low Back Pain and Chiropractic
| 28668 |
Elbow Pain and Chiropractic
| 32470 |
Chronic Back Pain, Prevention and Chiropractic
| 69887 |
Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain and Chiropractic
| 32451 |
Neck Pain and Chiropractic
| 94073 |
Disc Herniations, Bulges, Sciatic Pain and Chiropractic
| 20466 |
Sciatica, Low Back Pain and Chiropractic
| 34188 |
Low Back Injuries and Chiropractic
| 18459 |
Migraine Headaches and Chiropractic
| 19561 |
Chest Pain, Mid Back Pain and Chiropractic
| 325263 |
Hip, Knee, Ankle and Foot Problems
| 23776 |
Neck Pain and Headaches
| 57313 |
Shoulder, Arm, Elbow, Wrist, Hand and Chiropractic
| 121604 |
Chiropractic - Chronic Rashes and Dermatitis: Patient Account
| 141824 |
Neck & Head Burning Pain Relieved by Chiropractic - Patient Account
| 290408 |
Chiropractic - Shoulder Bursitis - Persistent Lower Back Pain: Patient Account
| 113733 |
Chiropractic - Stroke - Paralysis : Patient Account
| 199230 |
Chiropractic & Rage Issues: Patient Account
| 22451 |
Chiropractic Headaches - High Blood Pressure: Patient Account
| 138667 |
Chiropractic & Back Pain with Staying Well: Patient Account
| 14925 |
Chiropractic & Hand tremors, Sinus Problems, Headaches & Neck Stiffness: Patient Account
| 23509 |
Chiropractic & Ringing In the Ears, with Stooped Posture & Numbness: Patient Account
| 57073 |
Chiropractic - Leg - Arm - Shoulder - Neck Pain: Patient Account
| 121088 |
Chiropractic & Dog's Scoliosis: Patient Account
| 17161 |
Chiropractic & Hip Pain & Headaches: Patient Account
| 19312 |
Chiropractic & Spastic Colon, Migraine Headaches & Back Pain: Patient Account
| 28939 |
Chiropractic & Migraine Headaches: Patient Account
| 14959 |
Chiropractic & Rheumatoid Arthritis: Patient Account
| 99891 |
chiropractic and Skin Rashes - An 11 Month Old: Patient Account
| 113806 |
Chiropractic & Regaining Use of Hand: Patient Acount
| 18022 |
Chiropractic & Scoliosis, Colds & Pigeon Toed: Patient Account
| 16563 |
Chiropractic & Asthma:Patient Account
| 12857 |
Chiropractic & Hay Fever, Blood Pressure & Back Pain: Patient Account
| 13795 |
Chiropractic & Colitis, Allergies & Headaches: Patient Account
| 29743 |
#1 Chiropractic Letters
| 35346 |
Privacy Policy
| 114871 |
Harvard Report Points to Chiropractic Care for Pain Relief & The Safety of the Chiropractic Adjustment
| 11309 |
Chiropractic and Asthma (2): Patients Account
| 15173 |
Chiro-Skin Rashes-Asthma-Ear Infections-ADHD
| 17625 |
Chiropractic - Dizziness - Headaches - Backaches
| 19238 |