Tuesday, 27 February 2024 23:12

NIH - AVM Cervical Spinal Cord Bleed From A Front-End Motor Vehicle Crash: A Case Study.

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Peter Zilahy DC, Mark Studin DC, Randall Loftus MD, Jennifer Sperrazza DC, Geoffrey Gerow DC.  “AVM Cervical Spinal Cord Bleed From A Front-End Motor Vehicle Crash: A Case Study.” Medpix: National Institute of Health/National Library of Medicine.  Published February 27, 2024.





OR CUT AND PASTE TO YOUR BROWSER https://medpix.nlm.nih.gov/case?id=8fde1dbf-b4cb-40e5-b188-c43fdc9312bf



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Read 605 times Last modified on Tuesday, 27 February 2024 23:15


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